Weddings and Marriage Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - S
(in order by the bride's name)
Sanders, Alice/
Franklin, Henry |
A very large number of friends gathered, by invitation, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sanders, in this village on Tuesday evening last to witness the marriage of the eldest daughter, Alice, to Mr. Henry Franklin, a prosperous young farmer near Hollin. Ont. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Draper, after which followed the banquet and congratulations. The bride received many valuable and useful presents as mementos of the occasion from her friends here. The newly wedded pair will take up their residence on the groom’s farm in a few days. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-08 |
Sararas, Marianne/
Neeb, Edward |
Mr. Edw. Neeb and Miss Zereans, [sic] of Zurich, were united in marriage on Tuesday, 24th inst. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-06-04 |
Schaaf, Mary Anna/
Peine, Frederick Louis |
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zinkann were in New Hamburg yesterday attending the marriage of Mr. Fred. Peine and Miss Schaaf of that village. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-04-30
Schmidt, Celia/
Forwell, George |
The marriage of Mr. George Forwell to Miss Celia Schmidt took place at Zurich, Ont., on Tuesday, the 24th inst. Both are well known locally, this being the former’s native town. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-09-26
Schmidt, Elizabeth/
Hoerle, Henry |
A very quiet but pleasant wedding took place in the village when Mr. Henry Hoerle, sr., was united in marriage to Miss Lizzie Schmidt, daughter of the late Henry P. Schmidt, of North Easthope. The Rev. Langholz officiated. The groom was attended by Mr. Nelson Hoerle, while the bride was looked after by Miss Alma Heipel. The young couple will take up their abode n the Hoerle homestead. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-10-03 |
Schmidt, Kate/
Forwell, Pierre |
St. Clements
The wedding of Mr. Pierre Forwell, a St. Clements boy, to Miss Kate Schmidt, of Detroit, took place at the latter place on Tuesday of this week. The groom is one of St. Clements’ most popular young men and in his step into married life he has our best wishes for his future welfare. They will make their future home about one and a half miles north west of St. Clements and where we wish them every success. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-01-12 |
Schmidt, Maggie/
Pletch, Louis |
The following from the New Hamburg Independent will be of interest to the friends of Miss Schmidt, in and around Wellesley: The home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Schmidt, Jacob street, was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Tuesday, when their daughter, Maggie, was united in the holy bonds of wedlock to Mr. Louis Pletch, of Sebringville. The ceremony was performed at three o' clock in the afternoon by Rev. Mr. Yager, in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride was charmingly attired in white silk, and had for her bridesmaid her sinter, Miss Rosette, who also wore white silk. Mr. Wm. Pletch, brother of the groom, was best man After the ceremony a sumptuous wedding repast was partaken of. The young couple left on the evening train on a wedding trip to Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec, and after their return will take up their residence in Sebringville. Mr. and Mrs. Pletch have the best wishes of a host of friends for their future happiness and prosperity. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-06-18
Schmidt, Mary/
Paterson, Maurice |
A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. John Schmidt, Lisbon, yesterday, when his daughter, Miss Mary, was united in marriage to Mr. Maurice Paterson, a popular young North Easthope man. Rev. G. Holm officiated at the ceremony in the presence of a gathering of friends of the interested parties. After the wedding dinner the happy couple left for the groom’s fine farm, south of Ratzburg, where their many friends hope they will enjoy long, happy and prosperous married life together. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-06-19 |
Schnarr, Martha/
Huehn, William |
A number from our burg attended the wedding of Mr. William Huehn and Miss Martha Schnarr, near Erbsville on Wednesday last. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1908-06-25 |
Schoenhals, Mary/
Anderson, Robert |
A very pretty event occurred at the home of Mr. Schoenhals on Oct. 31, it being the marriage of his eldest daughter, Mary, to Mr. Robert Anderson, of Brussels. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Holm, pastor of the Lutheran church, in the presence of a large number of invited guests. The bride was becomingly attired in a fawn-colored travelling suit, and was assisted by her sister, Miss Millie, who wore a blue gown. Mr. William Griffith, of Brussels, officiated as groomsman. Immediately after the ceremony the guests partook of a wedding dinner, while the evening was spent in dancing which all seemed to enjoy to their hearts' content. The happy couple will reside in Brussels and the best wishes of the community follows them to their new home. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1900-11-15 |
Schwartzentruber, Delida/
Litwiller, John J. |
Mr. John J. Litwiller, a former Wellesley boy, was married on Christmas Day, at Amish, Iowa, to Miss Delida Schwartzentruber, of that place. His many friends here wish him every prosperity and happiness as a benedict. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1901-01-03 |
Schweitzer, Clara/
Wolfe, Addison |
New Hamburg
A very pretty, quiet wedding took place on Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. Schweitzer, when their daughter, Clara, was united in holy matrimony to Mr. Addison Wolfe. Rev. E. Born officiated. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-03-15 |
Shelley, Clara/
Snyder, Fernando |
A very interesting event took place [at] Mr. J. C. Shelly's [sic] on Wednesday, June 22nd, when their eldest daughter, Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. Fernando Snyder, of Bloomingdale. Rev. T. H. Ibbott, assisted by Rev. D. Sharpe, officiated. At 12.30 the bride, leaning on her father’s arm, entered the prettily decorated drawing room, as the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march was being poured forth on the organ by Mrs. R. More, of Toronto. The bride wore a travelling suit of brown broadcloth, opening over a cream satin waist and pearl trimmings and a black picture hat, and carried a bouquet of cream roses and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid, Miss Annetta Shelly, [sic] sister of the bride, was gowned in white India lawn, and wore a white picture hat and carried a bouquet of pink and white carnations and asparagus fern. The little flower girl, Miss Amy Shelly, [sic] also a sister of the bride, was dressed in Nile green crepe-de-chene, and carried a basket of sweet peas. The groom was assisted by his brother, Mr. Sidney Snyder. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold chain, to the bridesmaid a gold pin, and to the flower girl, a necklace and heart. After the ceremony about fifty guests sat to a sumptuous wedding breakfast. The many and bountiful gifts received by the bride show the esteem with which both bride and groom were held. The happy couple left amid showers of rice for a ten days' trip to St. Louis, after which they will reside on a farm near Bloomingdale. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-07-07 |
Smith, Annie/
Neumeister, George Smith, Katie/ Schaefer, Frederick |
At 3 o'clock on Tuesday, Sept. 17, a pretty double wedding occurred at the home of Mr. George Smith, Riverside Farm, when his daughters, Misses Annie and Katie were united in marriage to Messrs. George Neumeister and Frederick Schaefer, both of Poole. Rev. Mr. Holm, of North Easthope and Wellesley Lutheran church, officiated in the ceremony, which was performed under a bower of cedar fern and silver leaf. The wedding march was played by Miss Smith, of Ratzburg, two pretty little tots in white - Lily and Hattie Smith, acting as maids of honor. About 200 guests were present, from Wellesley, Mornington, Logan, North Easthope, Wilmot, Berlin and other places. The brides were attired in blue with lace and silk trimmings and carried bouquets of white and red roses. A splendid wedding dinner was served after the ceremony. The list of presents was a long and valuable one, and the happy couples start in life with the warmest wishes of a wide circle of friends. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-09-26 |
Smith, Annie B./
Petch, John T. |
PETCH—SMITH. The home of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Smith was the scene of a very pretty wedding when their second daughter, Annie B., was united in marriage to Mr. John T. Petch, a well-known and prosperous farmer near Crosshill. The bride looked the picture of loveliness dressed in white organdy, trimmed with valenceennes lace and insertion. She wore a bridal veil and carried a boquet [sic] of roses and carnations, and also wore roses in her hair. Little Annie Pearl Petch, niece of the groom, was a very attractive flower girl, she also being dressed in white organdy. At five o’clock, p. m., Mendelssohn’s wedding march was superbly played by Miss Mollie Sutter, Stratford, as the bride entered the parlor, leaning upon the arm of her father. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Eby, of Philipsburg, assisted by Rev. Mr. Haig, of Millbank. After the ceremony and congratulations, the guests, to the number of about 100 partook of a sumptuous wedding dinner. The rich array of bridal gifts covered three large tables and comprised useful and valuable tokens of good wishes from the bride’s wide circle of friends. Guests were present from Toronto, Stratford, Gadshill, Wellesley, Crosshill, Berlin, Waterloo, Baden, St. Jacobs, Listowel, St. Clements, and other places. Their many friends join in wishing them long life, health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Petch will take up their residence on the groom’s farm, where they will be at home to their friends after Nov. 21st. Mr. La Course, photographer of Wellesley, took a large group picture of the assemblage on the beautiful lawn just before the ceremony. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-22 |
Smith, Emma/
McClennan, Herbert |
A very quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse when Miss Emma Smith and Mr. Herbert McClennan were united in marriage. Their many friends wish them a happy and prosperous future. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-06-13 |
Spill, Maggie/
Sherk, John |
On Tuesday, the 19th inst., the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Shantz, Wilmot, was the scene of a pretty wedding, when Miss Maggie Spill, of St. Catharines, was united in marriage to Mr. John Sherk, of New Hamburg. The ceremony was solemnized by Rev. David S. Shantz, in the presence of only a few relatives and most intimate friends of the contracting parties. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-04-04
Steinman, Catherine/
Baechler, Peter |
A pretty wedding took place last Thursday at Mr. Daniel Steinman’s when Mr. Peter Baechler, of East Zorra, and Miss Kate Steinman, were united in marriage. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Jacob Bender, after which the party drove to the home of the bride’s father where a jolly good time was enjoyed. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-29 |
Stewart, Janet/
MacBeth, Malcolm |
Brer McBeth [sic] of the Milverton Sun went the way of all good fellows yesterday when he joined the ranks of the Benedicts, the bride being a daughter of Mr. Duncan Stewart, of North Easthope. A large gathering attended the happy festivities. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-11-02
Streicher, Catharina/
Wagler, John Z. |
Wagler - Streicher — At the Mennonite Church, Wellesley, Nov. 4th, by Rev. Jacob Wagler, Mr. John Wagler, of Zurbrigg’a Corners, South Easthope, and Miss Katie, daughter of Mr. Andrew Streicher, near Nithburg. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1900-11-15
Stretton, Alice Lilian/
Saunders, Adam John |
Last Monday evening while Mr. A. J. Saunders, our popular druggist, was busily engaged in putting the finishing touches to the home into which he was preparing to bring his bride this week, -he is in Toronto to day going through the t(r)ying ordeal,—ho was surprised by a dozen-and-a half of his friends. They came marching in, each carry lug a portion of a beautiful Globe Wernicke sectional book-case, finished in weathered oak. After putting it together it was formally presented to him along with their heartiest wishes for a long and happy married life. After he recovered from his surprise Mr. Saunders expressed himself fairly intelligibly in reply, after which the visitors produced some refreshments which they had brought with them, and—well, those “finishing touches” were not completed that evening. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-10-04 |
Studer, Lusina Anne/
Miller, George B. |
Mr. Geo. B. Miller, who has been visiting his many friends here for the past few weeks, evidently had another object in view, in coming down from Manitoba, besides mere visiting. Last Thursday he was united in marriage to Miss Lucy, daughter of Mr. Harry Stutor, [sic] at her father’s home near Sebringville. The ceremony was performed in the presence of the immediate relatives only. The happy couple started on their wedding trip, taking in Buffalo and other places, and are expected in Wellesley in a few days. They intend to make their home in Gretna, Man., where the groom is engaged in business. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-08-15
Stueck, Lizzie/
Schmidt, Conrad |
The marriage of Miss Lizzie, daughter of Geo. Stueck, Esq., postmaster, Hampstead, to Mr. Conrad Schmidt, jr., of the same place, occurred at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon, at the home of the bride’s parents, in the presence of an immense gathering of invited guests. Rev. E. Holm performed the ceremony, after which the wedding banquet was partaken of. A splendid array of wedding presents, some of them very costly, gave evidence of the popularity of the bride. The evening was pleasantly spent, the enjoyment of all being much enhanced by the arrival of the Wellesley Brass Band which rendered a splendid program of excellent music. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will make their home on the groom’s farm near by, and the best wishes of all are extended to them. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-09-25
Surarus, Adeline/
Neeb, Valentine |
Mr. Valentine Neeb, one of our esteemed young neighbors, was married last week. The wedding took place at the home of the bride in Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. Neeb have taken up their residence in Hampstead, and we all join in wishing them every happiness. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-09-17 |