Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - R
(in order by the bride's name)
Reibling, Ida Mary/
Otto, Charles |
On Dec. 28th a quiet wedding took place when Mr. Conrad Reibling’s daughter, Eda, [sic] was united in marriage to a promising young man from New Hamburg in the person of Mr. C. Otto. Rev. J. Langholz, of Philipsburg, officiated. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-12-31 |
Reibling, Kate/
Schneider, William |
The marriage of Mr. Wm. Schneider and Miss Katie, eldest daughter of Mr. John Reibling occurred at the home of the bride’s parents in this village yesterday, Wednesday morning, Rev. D. Lochner performing the ceremony. Miss Maggie Reibling acted as bridesmaid while Mr. Chris. Reibling supported the groom. After dinner the happy pair started for the groom’s home, at Brantford, where he is working at carriage making. Mr. Schneider was employed for a couple of years in Wellesley, where he and his bride are well known, and the best wishes of all go out to them for a happy life-partnership. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-05-29 |
Reibling, Maggie/
Lucas, Edward |
An interesting event occured [sic] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Reibling in this village yesterday afternoon when their daughter, Miss Maggie, was united in marriage to Mr. Edward Lucas, of Brantford. Rev. Mr. Lochner officiated. The bride received many handsome presents from her numerous friends. The young couple leave to-day for their new home in Brantford where the groom is employed at Buck’s stove works. The best wishes of a large circle of friends are extended for their future happiness.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-10-20 |
Riddell, Ellen/
Davidson, Alexander |
A very pretty wedding took place recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Riddell, by which their only remaining daughter was united in marriage to Mr. Alex Davidson, of Newton. 1901-06-27
Mr. Alex. Davidson, Newton, and Miss Nellie Riddell, Mornington, were united in marriage at the residence of the bride's father by Rev. D. Anderson on Wednesday of last week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-06-27 |
Robertson, Janet D./
Freeborn, Andrew K. |
FREEBORN—ROBERTSON. A quiet but very pleasant wedding was solemnized at the home of A. B. Robertson, Esq , ex-M. P.P., near this village, last evening, when his eldest daughter, Janet D., was united in marriage to Mr. Andrew K. Freeborn, a promising young farmer, of the Third Line, Wellesley, son of Robt. Freeborn, Esq., Wellesley village. The ceremony was performed by the pastor, Rev. N. D. McKinnon, in the presence of about 70 of the relatives of the bride and groom. Precisely at 7.30 o’clock, to the strains of Mendelsohn’s wedding march, played by Miss Lawson, of Toronto, the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her father. She was attired in a becoming gown of cream crepe de chine and carried a boquet [sic] of bridal roses. The young couple were unassisted througout [sic] the ceremony. The numerous wedding gifts included a costly array of testimonials to the charming young bride’s personal popularity, the groom’s gift being a gold watch and chain. After the ceremony the guests sat down to the splendid wedding dinner, the balance of the evening being spent in social enjoyment, games, etc. Guests were present from Toronto, Stratford, Milverton, Wellesley, Millbank, Gadshill, Poole, Pittsburg, Pa., and Louisville, Ky. Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn will take up their residence on the groom's farm, and will be “at home” to their friends after Sept 25th. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-09-03 |
Robertson, Katherine/
Jack, Roderick |
A pretty autumn wedding was celebrated at the house of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Robertson, Wellesley township, near Nithburg, on Wednesday, Oct. 1st, when their second daughter, Kate, was united in marriage to Mr. Roderick Jack, a prosperous young farmer near Newton. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Haig, of Millbank, at 7 p. m., in the presence of the immediate friend, relatives and invited guests, from Toronto, Stratford, Cathage, [sic] Downie and other places. The bride, unattended, entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father, while Miss Nellie Ross, of Millbank played a wedding march. The guests then adjourned to the dining room where a tempting dinner was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jack will take up their residence on the groom’s farm. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-10-09 Boundary Line West The pretty home of Mr. A. W. Robertson was the scene of a pretty wedding last Wednesday evening, when his daughter. Miss Kate, was married to Mr. R. Jack, of Newton, a prosperous Mornington farmer. The guests spent a pleasant evening in social guides, dancing, etc. Mr. Will Hamilton furnished the sweet music with his violin. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-10-09 |
Roeder, Elvina/
McLeod, William H. |
The following from the Berlin Daily Telegraph, refers to a former Wellesley girl, and a neice [sic] of Mr. J. G. Reiner. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roeder, Water street on Wednesday evening at seven o’clock, when their eldest daughter. Miss Elvina, was wedded to Mr. Harry W. McLeod, a popular G. T. R. brakesman, of Stratford. The interesting ceremony was performed by Rev. W. A. Bradley, of St. Andrews Presbyterian church, in the parlour underneath a horseshoe arch of roses, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends of the contracting parties. The pretty bride, who was given away by her father was beautifully attired in a gown of cream taffeta, trimmed with pearl lace and Duchess satin, and carried a boquet [sic] of bridal roses. Her sister, Miss Sarah Roeder, was bridesmaid, She wore [??]organdi [sic] dress. She carried a boquet [sic] of pink roses. The groom was assisted by Mr. Pratt, of Stratford. The wedding march was played by Miss Gladys Bradstone, of Stratford. After the usual congratulations a dainty wedding supper was served in the elegantly decorated dining room. The young couple were the recipients of numerous and costly wedding gifts, among which was a handsome mantle clock from the employees of the Chas. H. Davis Clothing Company, Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod left on the 9.30 train for London, Sarnia, Port Huron and other points, followed by the best wishes for a long and happy wedded life of their many friends in Berlin. The bride’s going-away dress was of brown lady’s cloth, with hat to match. Among those present from a distance were Misses Minnie and Laura Abraham, Miss Jean Dawe, Miss Gladys Bradstone, Miss Jessie McLaren, Mrs. N. Bright, Mrs. W. S. Lovey, Mr. Frank Adams and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pratt, Stratford; Mrs. N. J. Ingram, Jackson, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod will reside in Stratford after May 2. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-04-05 |
Rohr, Emma/
Fleischhauer, Charles (Karl) |
The marriage of Mr. Chas Fleischhauer, foreman of the hardware and tinware department at Reiner Bros. & Co.’s, and Miss Emma Rosher[sic] occurred at the home of the bride's parents in Berlin on Tuesday, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends, many of whom were from Wellesley. The bride received a costly array of presents. Mr. and Mrs.Fleischhauer are taking up their residence in Mr. Young’s cottage on the south side. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-06-13
Roy, Mary Jane/
McCulloch, Henry |
Rev. H. McCullock, [sic] pastor of Knox church, Tavistock, was married in Knox church, Mitchell, last Wednesday, April 6th, to Miss Jennie Roy, of Logan. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-04-14
Runstettler, Rose Anna/
Boppre, Edward |
Mr. Edward Boppre who was united in marriage to Miss Rose Anna Runstettler has with his wife taken up their abode in town. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Boppre to our midst. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-01-17
Ruppel, Nettie/
Klinck, Charles M. |
Miss Nettie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Ruppel, of Elmira, was married on the 15th inst. to Mr. Charles M. Klinck, of the same place, in the presence of a large number of friends. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-10-31
Ruppert, Caroline/
Knechtel, John |
A private wedding took place on Tuesday of last week at the home of Mr. John Ruppert, of N. Easthope, when his daughter Caroline was married to Mr. John Knechtel, a farmer of the 4th concession, N. Easthope. Rev. Mr. Kaatz, of New Hamburg, officiated. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-10-24
Ruthig, Emma/
Schaefer, Charles W. |
New Hamburg
A very pretty wedding took place on Easter Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ruthig, when their daughter Emma was united in marriage to Mr. Chas. W. Schaefer, of this town. Rev. Mr. Tran [?], pastor of the Lutheran church, performed the ceremony under a beautiful arch Easter lilies and smilax. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-04-26 |
Ruthig, Catherine/
Weiler, Anthony |
The wedding of Miss Katie Ruthig to Mr. Weiler, of New Germany, took place here on Tuesday of this week. The groom Is a prosperous farmer of New Germany and the newly married couple will make their future home there. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-11-09