Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - P
(in order of the bride's name)
Parker, Margaret/
Fox, Charles J. |
Mr. C. J. Fox, manager of the Western Bank, New Hamburg, and Miss Margaret, daughter of Mr. Robert Parker, of Guelph, were united in marriage on New Years Day. Mr. Fox has many friends in this section, who wish the happy pair every happiness and long lives. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-01-09
Parsill, Ella May/
Byers, Richard |
A very quiet but pleasant event took piece at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C, Parsill, on Thursday last when their daughter was united in marriage to Mr. Byers, a well-to-do farmer of Alberta. We extend congratulations and wish them a pleasant voyage through life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-03-15
Petch, Mary Ada/
Hammond, William |
June Wedding - The home of Mrs. George Petsch was the scene of a happy event last Wednesday afternoon when her second daughter, Miss Ada, was united in marriage to Mr. J. L. [sic] Hammond of this place. At four o’clock the bride entered the parlor leaning on the arm of her youngest brother, Elton, of Toronto, followed by her little niece, Miss Vivian Petch, of Berlin, who made a picturesque flower-girl robed in white silk organdy and carrying a beautiful basket of white flowers. The bride's dress was shot lustre with cream over-lace and silk trimmings. Rev. Haig, of Millbank, securely tied the nuptial knot. After congratulations the company of about thirty immediate friends and relatives sat down to a sumptuous spread. In the evening a delightful time was spent in music, games and dancing by about fifty young people. The numerous beautiful presents showed the high esteem in which the bride was held. We extend best wishes to the happy couple. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-06-22 |
Peter, Lizzie/
Huras, Adam |
The marriage of Mr. Wm. [sic] Huras of this place, and Miss Peter, niece of Mr. John Mueller, Wellesley, occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, near Neustadt, on Tuesday. The happy couple are expected home to-day and will take up their residence on the groom’s farm just south of the village. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1900-11-22 |
Peterson, Annie/
Heist, Will |
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peterson from Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. James Peterson from Kincardine have arrived at Hawkesville to attend the marriage of of [sic] Miss Annie Peterson to Mr. Will Heist on Wednesday. More particulars next week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-01-21
Peterson, Annie Florence/
Heist, Will |
On Wednesday Jan. 20th, at the residence of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Peterson, Hawkesville, their eldest daughter, Annie Florence, was united in marriage to Mr. Will Heist, Edmonton. Rev. T. H. Ibbot officiated. The ceremony took place at five o’clock under a cedar arch. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a pretty gown of cream lustre trimmed with white satin and applique and carried a boquet [sic] of white carnations. She was assisted by Miss Julia Heist, sister of the groom. She was dressed in white Indian Muslin over pink and carried a boquet [sic] of pink carnations. The flower girl was Miss Amy Shelly, a friend of the bride. The groom was assisted by Gordon Peterson, brother of the bride. The Wedding March was played by Miss Clara Shelly. The groom’s gift to the bride was a gold pin, to the bridesmaid a gold brooch and to the flower-girl a neat little bracelet. After the ceremony all sat down to a sumptuous wedding breakfast The cake stood under a tent of similax. The happy couple will leave shortly for Edmonton where they will reside. They have the best wishes of the community to take with them. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-02-04 |
Pfanner, Emma/
Schmidt,Theodore |
The marriage of Miss E. Pfanner to Mr. Theodore Schmidt, of North Easthope, occurred at the homo of the bride’s mother in Philipsburg on Thursday, Rev. Mr. Langholz officiating. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-10-27 |
Pieper, Marie/
Kraus, Fred H. |
New Hamburg
A very pretty but quite [sic] wedding was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Piper,[sic] peel street, when their only daughter, Marie, was united in marriage to Mr. Fred H. Kraus, son of Mr. F. Kraus, of the Queen's hotel. Rev. H. F. Grahm [?] performed the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. The bride looked very pretty in a gown of white silk. She was attended by Mrs. Grahm, while Mr. A. [?] acted as groomsman. Mr. and Mrs. Kraus will take up their residence at the Queen’s hotel. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-03-05 |