Obituaries and Death Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - O
Anna Catherine
The death of Mrs. Oetzel, which occurred near the Oetzel Evangelical church in North Easthope, the other day, removes one of the very oldest residents of this section , she being 94 years five months and some days old. She was born in Breitenbach am Hertzberg, Germany and was married in 1826,and two Years later emigrated to this country settling at once on the farm where she died. She was an aunt of the late John Wilhelm, sr. and Mrs. Mertz, of this village. She Iived to see the fifth generation of children growing up about her, and held in the highest respect by all. Wellesley Maple Leaf, January 24, 1901 |
Death of Valentine. The death of ex-Deputy-Reeve Valentine Otterbein occurred at his farm a short distance south of this village last Friday after a long illness, aged 75 years. He is survived by five children—three sons and two daughters, all living near the old home. Deceased was a native of Germany, coming to Canada when a lad of eleven with his parents who settled at Breslau. After a short residence there they moved to his late farm where he has resided ever since. Mr. Otterbein took an active interest in municipal affairs, was deputy reeve and a member of the county council for many years. He was also the Patron candidate for the Provincial House some years ago, but was defeated. He is also one of the founders of the founders [sic] of the North Waterloo Farmers’ Insurance Co., and has been a director continuously since its organization 33 years ago. For nearly two years he has been suffering with a lingering illness, death relieving him at the age of 73 years, six months and 24 days. Public sympathy is extended to the bereaved widow and children. Wellesley Maple Leaf, July 16, 1908 |
Charles F.
A shock of surprise was felt in the village on Monday evening when the news of the sudden death of Mr. Chas. Ottmann, jr., eldest son of Mr. Chas. F. Ottmann, harness maker, was spread. For several years the young man had been in poor health but he was able to be around until a few hours before he passed away. For the past few years he has been interested in photography and Wellesley’s numerous bountiful photo postcards are the produce of his skill. Personally he was very popular with all classes and his death has caused general sorrow. He was born In Wellesley 27 years ago and has lived all his life here. The sympathy of all goes out to the family and many relatives. The funeral occurs this (Thursday) afternoon at 3.30 o’clock. Wellesley Maple Leaf, August 1, 1906
The funeral of Luvina, the thirteen year old daughter of Mr. Chas. F. Ottmann, last Saturday afternoon was very largely attended. Relatives were present from Palmerston, Wiarton, Waterloo, Hawkesville and other places. The pall-bearers were all first cousins of the deceased. Her schoolmates sent a beautiful wreath of flowers and at the grave sang very sweetly “Safe in the Arms of Jesus.”
CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Ottmann, wish through the Maple Leaf to thank their friends for the kindness shown to them during the sickness and subsequent death of their daughter. Wellesley Maple Leaf, April 5, 1906 |