Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - N, O
(in order of the bride's name)
Nagziger, Annie/
Schultz, Noah |
A wedding was celebrated at Mr. C. Nafziger’s on Sunday when his eldest daughter, Miss Annie, was married to Mr. Noah Schultz, of the 3rd line, Wellesley. Some of their young friends went and desired to give an open-air serenade, but were informed that their services were not required. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-02-20 |
Nickel, Elizabeth
Witzel, Henry |
On Tuesday, 5th inst. Our popular blacksmith, Mr. Henry Witzel was united in marriage to Miss Nickel at the home of the bride near Gowanstown. We wish the happy couple a long and prosperous journey through life together. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-02-14 |
Oberer, Eliza/
Fabel, William |
Fabel—Oberer—At the parsonage, Wellesley, by Rev. D. Lochner, Mr. Wm, Fabel, of Berlin, and Miss Eliza, daughter of Mr. Caspar Oberer, of Petersburg. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-01-31 |
Ogram, Emma/
Henry, Valentine |
Mr. Val. Henry, who was united in marriage to Miss Emma Ogram has with his wife taken up housekeeping in town. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Henry to our midst. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-01-10 |
Otto, Mary Ann/
Knechtel, Henry |
KNECHTEL-OTTO. On Tuesday of last week, 19th. inst., a pleasant company of invited guests gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Wm Otto, just south of Lisbon, to witness the marriage of their daughter Miss Mary Ann Otto, to Mr. Henry Knechtel, a rising young farmer of North Easthope, near Amulree. Rev. Mr. Langholz, of Philipsburg, officiated at the nuptial ceremony. The bride was attired in beautiful white silk and carried a bouquet of white roses. Miss Edna Riehl acted as bridesmaid, gowned in white lawn. The groom was supported by the bride’s brother, Mr. Henry Otto, Mr. and Mrs. John Knechtel also supporting the bride and groom. The ceremony was performed at 3 p. m., and shortly afterwards the party sat down to the wedding dinner, after which a most enjoyable time was spent by the gathering in social pleasures. Mr. and Mrs. Knechtel have taken up their residence on the groom's farm, and the heartiest good wishes for their happiness and prosperity follows the newly wedded pair from their large circle of warm friends. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-07-28 |