Obituaries and Death Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - K
is our painful duty to record the death of Mrs. Jacob Kaufmann which occurred
at her home near Bamburg on Nov. 18th., after an illness of over six months
from nervous prostration, and from which she appeared to be recovering until pneumonia
set in quite recently. She leaves a sorrowing husband and three daughters and
two sons to mourn the loss of a loving wife and mother. The funeral was largely
attended. The sincere sympathy of the entire is extended to the bereaved family. Wellesley Maple Leaf, December 3, 1903
Kermis, Julius
has just reached here bringing the sad news of the death of Rev. J. Kermis,
which occurred at his home in Potsdam, Minn., on August 24th last, in his 56th
year, from the result of an operation. Deceased was pastor of the Missouri
Synod Lutheran church for a period of nineteen years, until about nine years
ago when lie resigned. The older members of the community have still tender
memories of their former pastor and his estimable wife, to whom their profound
sympathy goes out in her great sorrow.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, September 11, 1902 |
Kerr, Henry William
was suspended in the Principal’s room on Monday and
Tuesday as Mr. Kerr was called to the family home in Mornington by the death of
his father.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, April 13, 1905 |
On account of the death of Principal Kerr’s mother the visiting day exercises which the children of the Wellesley school had prepared for yesterday, have been postponed until sometime in January.
Mr. Jas. Kerr, Principal of the Wellesley public school was called to his parents’ home near Millbank on Monday morning by a telephone message announcing the critical illness of his mother, who passed away about nine o’clock that same evening. Deceased was one of the pioneers of Mornington, having resided there for about half a century. She leaves a family of six children: Wm. H., at home; Mrs. Wm. Watt, Manitoba; Mary at home; Jas. Wellesley; Mrs. Ashley, Chicago; Mrs. D. C. Beggs, Linwood. The funeral occurs today; the interment being in the Presbyterian cemetery at Millbank. Wellesley Maple Leaf, December 22, 1904 |
death of Mr. John Kieswetter, hotelkeeper, Bamburg, which occurred early this
week, has cast a gloom of sorrow upon his many friends in this section.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, October 1, 1903 |
Kieswetter, Mary Anne
(nee Cressman) |
Aug. 24th, 1901
The death of Mrs. Kieswetter, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. S. Patterson, near here, occurred on Wednesday afternoon last, as briefly reported in the Maple Leaf last week. Deceased was a daughter of the late Amos Cressman, and was born on his farm a short distance east of Philipsburg. The family later on moved to the vicinity of Bamberg, where she was married, when seventeen years of age, to the late Thos. Kieswetter, who died at Collingwood about ten years ago She lived for some years in Wellesley village. Her family consists of: Emily, Mrs. J. S. Patterson, of this township; Pierce, an architect in New York city, who is now attending college there; Norman, Lillie and Milton, with their sister near here. Deceased was a patient, earnest Christian and leaves many warm friends to mourn with the family. Her remains were interred in the Mennonite cemetery, in Berlin, on Friday in the presence of a large concourse of sorrowing friends. Wellesley Maple Leaf, August 29, 1901 |
Kingur, (infant)
Linwood -
Much sympathy is felt for Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Kingur in the loss of their infant child whose death occurred last Friday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, October 3, 1907
Kneisel, William
Lisbon -
The death of William, son of Mr. Conrad Kneisel,
of this place, occurred on Saturday afternoon last, aged 16 years. The young
man had been in ill health for a long time but latterly had shown signs of permanent
improvement. On Saturday morning he enjoyed a short walk out doors, and there
was no indication of the collapse which was so soon to come. In the afternoon,
however, he suddenly took a very serious turn for the worse and expired in a
few hours. The funeral occurred on Tuesday last and was attended by a large
concourse of people who gathered to give expression to their respect and
sympathy for the bereaved family. Wellesley Maple Leaf, October 17, 1901
A Boy Crushed Under Wagon Wheels at Nithburg. A deplorable accident occurred at Nithburg on Tuesday evening at about six o’clock, which resulted in the death of George, the 10-year- old son of Mr. Conrad Kneisel, of Lisbon. Wellesley Maple Leaf, May 8, 1901 |
North Easthope loses one of its most prosperous and scientific farmers in the death of Mr. Daniel Koch, which occurred at his home west of Amulree last week at the early age of 35 years. He had been ill with typhoid fever but a spinal trouble developed from which he was unable to rally. Wellesley Maple Leaf, November 6, 1902 |
A most
sad and untimely death took place here on Friday the 22nd. inst, when
Clementina, beloved wife of Edward Koebel, was called to the great beyond.
Deceased was 35 years of age and leaves a sorrowing husband and four small
children. Deceased was in good health until some four months ago, when
consumption took firm hold of deceased. The funeral took place here on Monday
with services at the R. C. church, many relatives and friends paying their last
respects to deceased. Our profound sympathy goes to the bereaved in their most
untimely loss. Wellesley Maple Leaf, November 28, 1907
Rosina (nee Schoener)
Reginia [?] Schoener, wife of Mr. D. Koehler, Berlet’s Corners, passed away last Thursday after an illness of a few months, aged 64 years, six months and seven days. She was married to her now sorrowing husband in 1865. Her husband was a brother of Messrs. Louis and Chas. Koehler, of this village, and she had many warm friends here. After the interment, on Sunday, her pastor, Rev. D. Lochner, preached the funeral sermon to a large audience in the church here. Wellesley Maple Leaf, November 6, 1902 |
death occurred on Saturday evening, June 23rd, of Mr. Johann Krueger, at the
advanced age of 82 years, 10 months and 10 days. Deceased was born in 1823 at
Zarraen, Mecklemburg-Schween, and came to this country when a young man. He was
one of the pioneers of the town of Waterloo, having lived there for nearly
fifty years.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, June 28, 1906 |
Marie Elizabeth
St. Clements
Following close upon the before named sad event came the news of the death of one just entering young womanhood, Miss Marie Elizabeth Kuntz in her 19th year. The deceased was the oldest daughter of David Kuntz living one mile south of St. Clements. She had been ill for some 4 weeks laid up with that dreadful disease Typhoid Fever and for some time past little hope was entertained for her recovery. Death came on Sunday evening 11 o’clock. The funeral took place on Thursday Feb. 2nd to the local R. C. cemetery attended by a large concourse of friends [sic]. We extend to the parents and friends our profound sympathy in their untimely bereavement. Wellesley Maple Leaf, May 2, 1905 |
death of Mrs. Kuntze (nee Miss Laura Alteman) daughter of Mr. Henry Alteman occurred
at her home in Stratford on Sunday last after a long illness, in her 25th
year. The remains were brought to
Wellesley for interment, the funeral taking place from her father’s residence
on Tuesday afternoon, a large concourse of friends of the bereaved family
attending. Wellesley Maple Leaf, November 24, 1904