Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - K
(in order by the bride's name)
Kable, Flossie/
Kettle |
Wedding bells have been ringing again near our village. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kable, about two miles west of Linwood was the scene of a pretty wedding on Monday when their youngest daughter Flossie [?] was united in the bonds of holy matrimony with Mr. Kettle of Macton. We wish the young couple all success in life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-04-26 |
Karges, Mary/
Hergott, Albert |
Mr. Albert Hergott, from Formosa, and Miss Mary Karges, daughter of Mr. Henry Karges, of this place, were united in marriage last Tuesday. The Bamberg Band came over and played a few solos with cowbells and plowsheares [sic], but we are sorry to say that they are out of practice. A few more weddings would put them in first class shape for playing. They went home in the wee small hours singing "we are all jolly good fellows,” and so they were. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-12-01 |
Karn, Agnes/
Fleischhauer, Oscar |
Mr. John Fleischhauer, of this village, accompanied by his sons Charles and George, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. J. Fleischhauer and Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Reiner, drove to Berlin to attend the wedding of his son Oscar, and Miss Karn of Berlin yesterday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-04-04
Kastner, Ida/
Bricker, Joseph |
Jos. Bricker, a Hawkesville boy and for many years a resident of Tavistock was married to Miss Kastener [sic] at Sebringville last week. He took his bride with him to Fernie, B.C. where he is a prosperous merchant. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-01-24
Kaufman, Emilie/
Hamel, Jacob |
Invitations are out for the wedding of Mr. Henry Hammel [sic] and Miss Millie, daughter of Mr. Jno. Kaufman, to occur a week from today. Mr. and Mrs. Kaufman will also celebrate the 25th anniversary of their wedding on this occasion. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-10-23
NUPTIALS. Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman celebrated their silver wedding, at their residence in this village last Thursday evening, Oct. 30th, when a great many relatives and friends responded to the invitation cards sent them some time prior to the occasion. The marriage of their eldest daughter. Miss Millie, to Mr. Jacob Hummel, of this place, was also celebrated at the same time and place, which, of course, made the occasion so much the more eventful. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. D. Lochner at 4 p. m. The parlor was beautifully decorated for the occasion. The bride looked charming and was the admiration of all, in a handsome gown of white silk trimmed with lace and ribbons, wearing the bridal veil and carrying a nice boquet [sic] of roses. The bridesmaids were Miss Maggie Kaufmann [sic], sister of the bride, and Miss Mary Hummel, sister of the groom, both dressed in white. The groom was ably assisted by Messrs. C. D. Koehler and Harry Kelterborn. After the ceremony the bride and bridegroom received the congratulations of their friends and then sat down to a sumptuous wedding dinner. The many costly, handsome and useful presents bestowed upon the bride and groom were only a slight token of the esteem in which they are held. The presents for the silver wedding were also very valuable and numerous, one of which consisted of a fine silver tray with a very handsome silver tea set, costing in the neighborhood of $30. The guests spent a very pleasant and sociable evening. All join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. John Kaufman a happy life and hope they may live to celebrate their golden wedding. We also join in wishing the young couple, Mr. and Mrs. Hummel, a long and happy wedded life. They will move this week to New Hamburg where he has a very good position in a furniture factory. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-11-06 |
Kieswetter, Mary/
Dietrich, John |
DIETRICH—KIESWETTER. The marriage of Mr. Brotus [sic] Dietrich and Miss Mary, daughter of Mr. Jacob Kieswetter just west of Bamburg, occurred on Tuesday. Rev. Fr. Ayemens performed the ceremony at the church at St. Agatha after which the party returned to the house where the wedding dinner was served. The bride received a splendid array of wedding gifts. A most enjoyable time was spent and the gathering broke up showering goop [sic] wishes upon the newly married pair. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-08 |
Klein, Annie/
Loth, Charles |
Mr. Charles Loth, one of the players on the Marlboro football team of Tavistock, was married last week to Miss Annie Klein, of that place. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1901-11-07 |
Koehler, Annie/
Lichty, Jonathan |
At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler, on Tuesday evening of this week, occurred the marriage of Miss Annie Koehler and Mr. Jonathan Lichty, son of Councillor J. B. Lichty. The ceremony was performed by Rev. D. Lochner, in the presence of the immediate friends of the bride and groom. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-02-19 |
Koehler, Emelia/
Faulhafer, Peter |
The marriage of Mr. Peter Faulhafer and Miss Amelia, [sic] daughter of Henry Koehler, Esq., occurred at the home of the bride’s parents, just north of the village on Wednesday evening of last week. The happy couple have taken up their home in the residence next Mr. Ed. Ratz's. Congratulations from their many friends are heartily extended. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-04-17
Koehler, Eva/
Albrecht, Albert |
The marriage of Mr. Edward Albrecht and Miss Eva, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Koehler, occurred in Galt on Tuesday of this week, the Rev. Dr. Dickson officiating. The groom and his beautiful young bride were both born and raised in this village, where they are both quite popular, and the heartiest wishes for their happiness are extended by all. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-12-05
Koehler, Katie/
Weltz, Charles |
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Koehler, in this village, was the scene of a brilliant affair last Tuesday afternoon, on the occasion of the marriage of their second eldest daughter, Miss Katie Koehler, and Mr. John Weltz, chair maker, of Wiarton. At 4 o’clock the procession wended its way to the Lutheran church where Rev. Mr. Holm tied the nuptial knot. The bride was attired in sky blue silk, with a crown of orange
blossoms, boquet [sic] of lilies, and carrying beautiful hyacinths. The bridesmaids were Miss Lizzie Smith, of Milverton, and Miss Martha Koehler, sister of the bride, both similarly gowned in white organdie. The groom was supported by Messrs. P. Ottmann, jr., and C. D. Koehler. After the ceremony the party returned to the house and sat down to the sumptuous wedding banquet. Among the guests present from a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Binkley, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weltz and Mrs. Louis Miller, of Wiarton. The bride received a large number of beautiful and valuable presents, gifts from her large circle of warm friends. The happy couple will take up their residence in Wiarton where Mr. Weltz is employed. The best wishes of all for their future prosperity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. Weltz. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-05-02 |
Kroetsch, Caroline/
Schummer, Frank |
Mr. Frank Schummer, who was recently married is moving his own and his wife’s effects into town today and will occupy the Fleischhauer house. We welcome Mrs. Schummer to our village and trust that her sojourn here may be the happiest possible. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-10-02 |
Kuntze,Barbara Elizabeth/
Russell, James |
Another wedding took place in the village to-night when Mr. Jas. Russel of Stratford joined hands with Miss Elizabeth Kuntze of the east section. Rev. Mr. Sharp performed the ceremony. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-02-12