Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - H
(in order by the bride's name)
Hahn, Lavina/
Muir, John |
JULY WEDDINGS - A quite [sic] wedding was solemnized on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hahn, when their daughter Lavina became the bride of Mr. John Muir, Waterloo, Rev. Kaatz, St Jacobs, tying the nuptial knot. The bride was assisted by her sister, Allie, while Mr. Elgin Hahn, Berlin acted as groomsman. The young couple will reside in Waterloo. We wish them many years of sunshine in their new stage of life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-07-30 |
Hammer, Anna Barbara/
Koch, John L. |
A pleasant event took place at the home of Mrs. Hammer, the occasion being the marriage of her daughter, Miss Barbara, to Mr. Koch, of North Easthope. The ceremony was performed, in the presence of a few invited relatives by Rev. Mr. Lochner, of Wellesley. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-06-12
Hammer, Justine E./
Knechtel, Henry |
Mr. Henry Knechtel, of North Easthope and Miss Hammer, daughter of Mr. Geo. Hammer, New Prussia, were united in marriage at the Philipsburg church on Tuesday, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Langholz, officiating. The happy young couple will reside at the groom’s home in North Easthope. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-04-28
Hammer, Maggie/
Heise, Peter |
Berlet’s Corners
A quiet wedding took place here on Tuesday morning, Sept. 17th, when Miss Maggie Hammer was united in marriage to Mr. Peter Heise, of Doering’s Corner's. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Lochner at the home of the bride, here. The bride was attended by Miss Katie Heise, sister of the groom, while Mr. David Hammer, brother of the bride, supported the groom. The party then partook of a richly laid wedding dinner, only the immediate friends being present. Mr. and Mrs. Heise left in the afternoon for Berlin, Breslau and other points. On their return they will reside on Mr. Heise’s farm, just west of Doering’s Corners. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-09-26 |
Hammond, Maggie E./
Hooey, John |
On Wednesday Evening, May 21 a happy event took place at Mountain Side Farm, the residence of Mr. and Mrs. John K. Hammond, the occasion being the marriage of their eldest daughter, Miss Maggie E., to Mr. John Hooey, one of the most prosperous and amiable young men of Wellesley. Precisely at 5 o’clock the bride entered the drawing room leaning on the arm of her father, Miss McFaddin, cousin of the bride, playing the wedding march. The bridal party took their places under a beautiful arch of evergreens and blossoms. Rev. Mr. Haig, of Millbank, safely and securely tied the matrimonial knot, after which the guests, about seventy-five in number, withdrew to the spacious dining room and sat down to a most sumptuous supper, all the delicacies and luxuries of the season being furnished in liberal and elegant style. The bride was attired in a lovely dress of white organdy with chiffon and applique trimmings with a wreath of white roses on her head, and carrying a lovely boquet [sic] of flowers. The evening was spent in a very sociable manner, music, recitations and games being the chief entertainment. The presents testified to the high esteem in which the bride is held by her many friends and acquaintances. The happy couple will immediately take up their residence on lot 6, Con. 7, Wellesley, the beautiful home of the groom, where they will be “at home” to their friends after the 15th June. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-05-22 |
Hartman, Isabella/
Dietrich, Henry |
On Tuesday morning at ten o’clock the Roman Catholic church was the scone of a very pretty wedding, the contracting parties being Miss Isabel [sic] Hartman, youngest daughter of Mrs. August Hartman, of New Hamburg, and Mr. Henry Dietrich, of Tavistock. The bride entered the church leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. John Hartman, who gave her away. She was beautifully gowned in white embroidered net over white taffeta, and veil with orange blossoms, and carried white roses. Misses Clara and Adeline Arnold, of Shakespeare, were bridesmaids. They wore picture hats. The groom was supported by the bride’s brothers, Messrs. Fred. Hartman, of Baden, and Alex , of New Hamburg. Miss McCallum, organist of the church, played the wedding march and the choir furnished suitable music. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Father Vincent Kloepfer, of Berlin. After the ceremony the happy couple and the invited guests, numbering about eighty, drove to the home of the groom's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Dietrich, near Shakespeare, where a wedding breakfast was prepared and enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Dietrich will take up their residence in Tavistock and their many friends In New Hamburg wish them a happy and prosperous wedded life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-05-21 |
Hartmann, Catherine/
Walton, Joseph |
The marriage of Miss Kate Hartmann to Mr. John Walton, jr., occurred at the home of the bride's mother in New Hamburg on Tuesday. Miss Bella Hartmann acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Harry Dietrich supported the groom. Mr. Fred Hartmann and Miss Maggie Walton, Mr. Jos. Hartmann and Miss Wunder, and little Irene Walton as flower girl, were also in the bridal party. Rev. Fr. Kloepfer officiated in the ceremony at the R. C. church, which was crowded to the doors by the friends of the happy pair. After the wedding dinner Mr. and Mrs. Walton started on the train for Guelph and other points for their honey-moon trip, after which they will take up their residence in Galt where Mr. Walton has a position in a dry goods store. The Leaf, along with “Jack’s” many Wellesley friends, wishes the young couple much happiness. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-08-18 |
Heinz, Martha/
Kelterborn, Harry |
The marriage of Mr. Harry Kelterborn and Miss Martha, daughter of Geo. Heintz, Esq. of Bamberg occurred [at the home of the bride’s] parents. On Tuesday last in the presence of the friends of the interested parties. Rev. Mr. Helm officiating. Miss Maggie Heintz [sic] acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Edwin Klein supported the groom. The happy couple left at once on their wedding trip to Toronto and Niagara Falls. A pleasant evening was spent at the house, Mr. Wiowade's orchestra furnishing the music. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-06-28
Heise, Matilda/
Reibling, Conrad |
Mr. Con. Reibling and Miss Heise, of New Prussia, were united in marriage yesterday at the home of the bride's father, Mr. Louis Heise. Mr. Chas. Ottmann, jr photographed the party. Our Doering’s Corners correspondence will contain particulars of the happy event next week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-11-02
DOERING’S CORNER. A pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. Louis Heise on Nov. 1st. when his daughter, Miss Matilda, was united in marriage to Mr. Conrad Reibling. Rev. Mr. Langholz officiated, the ceremony being performed in the Philipsburg church. About 50 invited guests sat down to the bounteous wedding dinner. We congratulate the happy young couple. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-11-09 |
Heric, Anna/
Brenner, John |
The wedding of Miss Heric and Mr. John Brenner is announced to take place to-day. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-01-20 |
Hill, Elizabeth/
Schwalm, Charles |
A quiet wedding occurred at the home of Mr. John Hill, in this village, on Tuesday last when his sister, Miss Lizzie Hill, was united in marriage to Mr. Charles Schwalm, of Chesley. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Maurier in the presence of a few near relatives. The bride is a popular Wellesley young lady and the very best wishes of all go with her in her new life. After the wedding the happy couple started on their trip, taking in some of the northern counties before settling down at Chesley.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-03-14 |
Hill, Maggie/
Ratz, Harry E. |
At the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. Chas. Schwalm, in Wellesley, on Wed. Feb. 17th [?] 1904, by Rev. F. Kay, Mr. Harry E. Ratz and Miss Maggie Hill. The ceremony was performed at 12 o’clock, noon, in the presence of only the immediate relatives of the bride. The bride was attired in blue with a white overdress and carrying a beautiful boquet [sic] of carnations. The travelling dress was of blue serge. After dinner the couple started on a short wedding trip to Toronto, Niagara and other places, returning in a few days when they will settle down in the groom’s handsome new brick residence in St. Clements, where he is in business. Miss Hill is a leading soloist of rare power, while Harry’s geniality and unusual business shrewdness has made him very popular in social and business circles. The very best wishes of all are extended lo them. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-02-18 |
Hoerle, Emma/
Doering, Henry |
A very pleasant event took place] at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoerle, on Wednesday, Jane, 19th, when their only daughter, Emma, was united in marriage to Mr. Hy. S. Doering. The bridesmaids were Miss Lizzie Schmidt, and Miss Johanna Krahling, while the groom was attended by Mr. Henry Hoerle, brother of the bride, and Mr. Theodore Doering, brother of the groom. Friends were present from Mildmay, Port Elgin, Georgetown, Berlin, Baden and other places. The presents received by the happy couple were both costly and numerous. Mr. and Mrs. Doering will take up their abode on a farm in North Easthope. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-06-27 |
Hohl, Annie/
Cook, August |
On Wednesday, Aug. 22nd occurred the marriage of Miss Annie, second daughter of Henry Hohl, Esq., to Mr. Walter Kroh, [sic] carpenter, also of this village. Only the immediate friends of the happy couple were present. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-09-06 |
Hudd, Lisle/
Reiner, George J. |
Mr. George J. Reiner, eldest son of J. G. Reiner, Esq, was married at Los Angeles, on July 24th to a Miss Lisle Judd. Congratulations. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-08-16
Huehnergard, Annie L./
Fleischauer, John W. |
The many friends of Mr. John W. Fleischhauer are congratulating him these days upon his marriage, which occurred in Berlin last Wednesday. The bride was Miss Annie L., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. Huehnergard. The ceremony took place at 5 o’clock, p. m after which the large number of invited guests, including several of the groom's Wellesley friends, sat down to the wedding banquet. The guests enjoyed themselves until a late hour and in dispersing extended hearty good wishes to the happy young couple, while the costly display of bridal gifts attested to the esteem in which that lady is held by her friends. Mr. and Mrs. F. are moving to Wellesley this week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-01-12
Hunt, Edith/
Reibling, Charles |
Last Saturday evening at the M. E. parsonage the marriage of Mr. Charles F. Reibling and Miss Edith Hunt was solemnized. The ceremony was performed by Rev. B. P. Cooper [?] pastor of the M. E. church. The bridal couple were unattended. The bridal gown was of pearl grey crepe de chine trimmed embroidered chiffon and braid. Mr. and Mrs. Reibling are two of Draytons [sic] most popular young people. The groom has been engaged in the tailor business in this city for the past five years and is one of our popular and enterprising businessmen. He and his wife had been planning for some time to surprise their friends when they got married and when it was learned Saturday evening that they were married at 8 p.m. it was certainly a surprise as everybody expected the event to take place on Tuesday. The happy couple have gone to house keeping in the Jamieson residence on Third Street. [?] They have the
best wishes of their many friends for their future happiness, prosperity and success. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-02-21 |
Hyde, Jean/
Trussler, David |
The marriage of Mr. David Trussler and Miss Jean Hyde occurred on Wednesday, Nov. 20th, at the old Hyde Homestead, North Easthope, Rev. Mr. Cowan, of Shakespeare, officiating. On Friday evening the Band serenaded them at their home near this village. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-11-28