Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - D
(in order by the bride's name)
Dahms, Susan/
Ferris, Selby J. |
A very pretty house wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dahms, Third Line, Wellesley, on Wednesday, March 25th at 4 o’clock, p.m., when their daughter, Miss Susan, was united in marriage to Mr. Selby J. Ferris, a popular and prosperous young farmer of Crosshill. The bride entered the room, supported by her father, dressed prettily in white organdy trimmed with valencennes lace, carrying a boquet [sic] of roses and carnations. The knot was tied under an artistic arch of evergreens, Rev. R. F. Cameron, of North Easthope, officiating. Mr. Eck. Reiner, of Wellesley played the wedding march. After the ceremony all sat down to the sumptuous wedding dinner. The bride’s present from the groom was a beautiful gold watch with chain. The evening was spent by the guests most happily in enjoying music, games, etc. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris have taken up their residence on the groom’s farm, where they will be “at home” to their friends after April 15th. Guests were present at the ceremony from Dublin, Sebringville, Gadshill, Millbank, Milverton, Elora, Crosshill, Poole and Wellesley, there being about 60 in attendance. The best wishes of their hosts of friends are extended to the happy young couple. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-04-02 |
Delker, Mary/
Koebel, Anthony |
Mr. A. Koebel one of our popular young bachelors was married on Tuesday to Miss Harley, [sic] of Peel township. Congratulations to “Tony.” Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-04-21
Dewar, Nellie/
James Kerr |
On Saturday evening of last week Mr. Peter Dewar and family, near Poole, were taken entirely by surprise when a few of the officers and teachers of Zion church Sunday School walked in and presented Miss Nellie Dewar, on the eve of her marriage, with a beautiful rattan rocking chair, accompanied by a suitably worded address, read by Mrs. A. F. Clarke, of Honey Grove. Miss Nellie replied in touching words expressing her gratitude for the gift, and the pleasure she enjoyed in her work in the Sabbath school. Miss Dewar has for many years been connected with the school, taking a class in her eighteenth year, and for the past couple of years she has also acted as the very efficient organist. Her absence from the school will be much missed. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-10-01 KERR—DEWAR. A very pretty wedding took place on Sept. 30th, at 6 o’clock, p.m., when Miss Nellie, daughter of Mrs. Peter Dewar, near Poole, was united in marriage with Mr. Jas. Kerr, Principal of the Wellesley Public school. The beautiful strains of the wedding march were played by Miss Hanna, of Milverton, when the groom took his place in front of a bank of ferns in the parlor, followed closely by the bride leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. James Dewar. The short but impressive ceremony was performed by Rev. N. D. McKinnon, of Burns Presbyterian church, Milverton and Wellesley. The bride was attired in cream etemine [?] with medalion [sic] trimmings, her only ornament being a beautiful brooch, the gift of the groom. After the ceremony and usual congratulations the bridal party and about sixty guests sat down to a sumptuous supper. The gifts, which were both numerous and costly, showed the high esteem in which the couple are held. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will be at home to their friends in Wellesley village after Oct. 20th. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-08 Mr. Jas. Kerr, of the Wellesley public school, and Miss Nellie Dewar, were united in marriage at the borne of the bride near Musselberg, last evening in the presence of a large number of guests. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr will take up their residence at the groom's home in this village. The best wishes for their future happiness are extended by a wide circle of friends. Wellesley Maple Leaf, Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-10-22 |
Diebel, Annie/
Poth, Edward |
Mr. Edward Poth and Miss Annie Diebel were married at 3 p.m. today, March 12th, 1901, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Peter Diebel, Wilmot township. Mr. Roth hails from New Dundee. The Rev. John Huieyer, of the New Hamburg Baptist church, officiated. Mr. Fred Roth acted as best man and Miss Emma Diebel as bridesmaid. The presents were both numerous and costly. After the ceremony the bride’s shoe was placed at auction, bringing the handsome sum of $51. The newly wedded couple will leave in the near future for Brown City, Mich., where Mr. Roth has a farm. About 50 guests enjoyed the celebration, some coming from Hespeler, New Dundee, New Hamburg and Baden. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-03-21 |
Diebel, Christina/
Koch, Henry |
A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. Peter Diebel, when his daughter Miss Christina, was married to Mr. Henry Koch. The happy couple will move onto his father’s farm one mile north of Philipsburg. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-01-17 |
Dierlamm, Clara/
Fleischhauer, Emanuel |
The following from the Stratford Herald, refers to a sister of Mrs. Norman Fleischhauer. The groom is a cousin of the Fleischhauer family: A very pretty house wedding took place at the home of P. Dierlamm, 180 Church St., June 10th, when the youngest daughter, Clara, was united in marriage to Mr. Emanuel Fleischhauer, lumber merchant of this city. The ceremony was performed by Rev. S. M. Hausch,[?] pastor of the Centennial church. The bride looked charming in a white silk embroidered robe, carrying a boquet [sic] of bridal roses and fern, as she appeared on the arm of her father, while the wedding march was played by her sister. Mrs. N S. Fleischhauer. Master Arthur Dierlamm, brother of the bride, scattered flowers in the pathway and little Winnifred Fleischhauer, her niece, carried the ring in basket of flowers, and was very cute in a white suit. The decorations were carnations, roses and fern. After dainty refreshments the happy couple left for the East. They will return and live in this city. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-06-18 |
Dietrich, Barbara/
Busch, Charles |
Mr. Charles Busch, and Miss Dietrich were married on Tuesday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-11-24 |
Dietrich, Mary/
Mayer, Alexander |
Quite a number of the people of our town attended the wedding of Mr. Alex. Mayer and Miss Dietrich, of St. Clements, on Tuesday last. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1903-11-12 |
Dingwall, Flossie
Mr. Chas. B. Stahle and Miss Flossie Dingwall, popular young people of this village, were united in marriage at Berlin on Thursday last. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1903-07-09 |
Doering, Annie/
Becker, William P. |
A very interesting event took place at Philipsburg on Tuesday last, 25th
inst. being the marriage of Mr. William P. Becker, of New Hamburg, and Miss Annie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Doering of that place. The ceremony was performed in Zion’s church at 2 o’clock p.m. after which about 200 guests repaired to the home of the bride’s parents and partook of a sumptuous repast. Among the guests from Wellesley village were Mr. and Mrs. P. Ottmann, Philip and Miss Edith Berdux, and Mr. Jacob Hamel. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-06-27 |
Doering, Emma/
Heipel, Russell |
A very pretty wedding took place on Tuesday last March 31st at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Abel Doering, when their youngest daughter, Emma, was united in marriage to Mr. Russel Heipel, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Heipel a prosperous farmer of Wellesley township. The bride was assisted by Miss [illegible] while the groom was attended by Mr. Edward Doering, brother of the bride. The presents received by the happy couple were both numerous and costly. Friends and relatives were present from Berlin, Bridgeport, Hamburg, Wellesley, Amulree and Johannesburg, South Africa. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1908-04-09 |
Doerr, Mary/
Forler, Philip |
Doering’s Corners
On the 23rd inst., a pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mr. John Hammer, Unionville, when Mr. Philip Forler and Miss Mary Doerr were joined for life. Rev. Mr. Langholz performed the ceremony in the presence of about sixty invited guests. After dinner the young people enjoyed a drive to Wellesley. A very large number of pretty and useful presents testified to the high esteem in which the happy couple are held by their friends. On the following day they started on their wedding trip to Reid City, Mich. They will settle down at Philipsburg. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-01-01 |
Donaldson, Karoline /
Glebe, Milton |
The marriage of Mr. Milton Glebe of Brantford, and Miss Lena Donaldson, of Lisbon, will occur Oct. [5]th next. A large number of invitations have been issued.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-09-29 Glebe-Donaldson. About three o'clock last Wednesday afternoon a very- pretty church wedding occurred when Miss Lena Donaldson, adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. Glebe, was united in marriage to Mr. Milton Glebe, son of Mr. P. Glebe, Wellesley. The ceremony was performed in the Can. Lutheran church, Wellesley, the pastor, Rev. Mr. Holm, officiating, while the wedding march was played by Miss Harmin [?] Koehler. After the ceremony, the happy couple accompanied by about 60 of their young friends returned to Lisbon. The bride was attired in a lovely bridal dress of white mulee, with veil, and carrying white roses. The bridesmaid, Miss A. Zoeger, of Hamilton wore pale blue crepe du chene with grey braver hat, and carrying white carnations. The groom was supported by Mr. F. Fleischhauer, of Toronto. One hundred and forty invited guests sat down to the wedding banquet, visitors being in the throng from Hamilton, Toronto, Berlin. Listowel, Gadshill, Philipsburg, Nithburg and other places. A fine group picture of the large gathering was secured by Mr. Chas. Ottmann, photographer, of Wellesley. A long and costly army of wedding presents showed the popularity of the bride. After dinner the guests enjoyed a splendid time until a late hour in social enjoyment, and ended in showering good wishes upon the bride and groom. They will take up their residence in Brantford where Mr. Glebe has a lucrative situation. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-10-13 Two musical organizations, known as the “New Prussia Mould-Board Orchestra” and the “Wellesley Saw-Buster Band," made the welkin ring at the Globe-Donaldson wedding here last Wednesday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-10-31 |
Druar, Tillie/
Dietrich, Duhald |
Quite a number of our young people attended the wedding of Mr. Duhald Dietrich, of Dashwood and Miss Tillie Druar in St. Clements last week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-02-11 |