Richard Carter
Born: 1788
Died: 1860s
Municipality: Wellesley
Years on local council: Deputy Reeve 1856
Years on County Council 1856
Occupation: Farmer
Origin: Ireland
Spouse: Jane
Landholdings: Part Conc 6, lot 5W, and Conc 5, lots 5W & 6W
Religion: Baptist?
Sources: A Richard Carter is listed in 1861 census as aged 73, his wife aged 56 and a Baptist, and no children listed. The log house that they lived in had been built in 1852. Not listed in 1871 census index.
Died: 1860s
Municipality: Wellesley
Years on local council: Deputy Reeve 1856
Years on County Council 1856
Occupation: Farmer
Origin: Ireland
Spouse: Jane
Landholdings: Part Conc 6, lot 5W, and Conc 5, lots 5W & 6W
Religion: Baptist?
Sources: A Richard Carter is listed in 1861 census as aged 73, his wife aged 56 and a Baptist, and no children listed. The log house that they lived in had been built in 1852. Not listed in 1871 census index.
This information is excerpted from: "Waterloo County Councillors: A Collective Biography," researched and complied by Elizabeth Bloomfield and Linda Foster. (c) 1995 Caribou Imprints. It is reproduced by permission of Dr. Bloomfield. The full text of the book can be seen here.