Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - B
(in order of the bride's name)
Baechler, Clara/
Buchheit, John |
Miss Clara Baechler, of St. Agatha, and Mr. Jno. Buchheit, of New Prussia, were married in St. Agatha on Tuesday of this week. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-10-25
Baechler, Elizabeth/
Fischer, Edgar |
A jolly wedding party drove to town on Tuesday and put up for an hour or two at the Albion hotel. The groom is a son of County Councillor Fischer, of Waterloo, and the bride a daughter of Mr. Fred Baechler, near St. Agatha.
Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-06-04 |
Bannon, Ellen/
John Birmingham |
The many friends in this section of Mr. John Birmingham, who lives just
north of the village, were surprised on Tuesday last when he drove into town with one whom he had that morning made his bride. The young lady with whom he joined heart and hand was a Miss Bannon, of Stratford, and the young couple will take up their residence on a farm near Mr. Birmingham’s former home. The groom is well known and popular in these parts, having been a much valued player on the Wellesley and Crosshill football teams, and the Maple Leaf joins with his many friends in wishing the young couple a long and happy married life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-01-09 A pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. Bannon, Stratford, on Jan. 7th, when her eldest daughter, Ellen, was united in holy wedlock to Mr. John Joseph Birmingham, Crosshill. The bride was dressed in blue silk trimmed with white lace and carrying carnations. The bridesmaid, her sister, was also dressed in blue and carrying pink carnations. About 40 couples spent the evening in dancing, etc. After their short wedding trip the happy pair will reside at the groom’s home. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-01-16 |
Baumann, Amelia/
Schoene, Joseph |
Mr. Jos. Schren [sic] one of our prosperous young farmers got married to Miss Bowmann, [sic] from Baden last Thursday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-11-29 |
Becker, Amelia/
Kress, Alfred |
Miss Amelia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Becker, of Wellesley, was united in marriage to Mr. Alf. Kress, of Elmira, the ceremony being performed at Tavistock a week ago Monday. The happy young couple spent last week with the bride's parents here. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-09-29
Becker, Mary/
Schmidt, Conrad |
A quiet wedding took place at Amulree on Tuesday, September 2nd when Miss Mary Becker, youngest daughter of Mrs. John Becker, became the bride of Mr. Conrad Schmidt. The bride was attended by Miss Rachel Schmidt, sister of the groom, while the latter was assisted by Mr. Herman, The bride wore a lovely creation of navy silk trimmed with point d’esprit. The bridesmaid’s dress was of while chiffon. The officiating clergyman was Rev. E. Holm, of the Lutheran church. On their return from a honeymoon trip to Hamilton and Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt will take up their residence at the groom’s beautiful farm in Wilmot township. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-09-19 |
Beggs, Annie C./
Wray, William J |
One of those occurrences which unusually cause considerable excitement in the community and makes the hearts of many young people go pit-a-pat took place on Wednesday, Feb. 4th, at the home of Mr. W. J. Beggs, near here. The persons responsible for the commotion were his eldest daughter Annie, and Mr. W. J. Wray, an enterprising young farmer living near Millbank. The young gentleman apparently thought it not well to live alone and accordingly choose to rob this community of one of its fairest and most respected young maidens. The marriage ceremony, which took place in the drawing room of Mr. Beggs’ new brick residence was performed by Rev. Mr. McKinnon of Milverton, in the presence of about one hundred and seventy guests, many of whom came a considerable distance to do honor to the occasion. Detroit, Georgetown, Dresden, Port Colborne, Drayton, and other distant points being represented, while some who could not attend on account of the greatness of the distance sent congratulatory telegrams. At four o’clock Miss Addie Coote, of Crosshill, a cousin of the bride, played the wedding march, while the bridal party took up its position in order. The bride who was given away by her father, certainly presented the appearance of a perfect bride “adorned for her husband.” She was dressed in white organdie over blue; trimmed with chiffon and ribbon and wore a bridal veil and orange blossoms. Her travelling suit was of gray with blue silk waist trimmed with white applique and chiffon. The bridesmaid, Miss Jennie Beggs, was attired in white organdie trimmed with lace and ribbons. The groomsman was Mr. J. Wray, of Detroit, a brother of the groom. After the ceremony Miss Coote played the bridal chorus while the congratulations were being extended to the young couple. The array of presents was endless and superb, a few of which are worthy of mention :— a gold chain, gift of the groom to the bride, a fur coat, given to the bride by her father, a couch, dinner setts [sic], tea setts [sic], etc., etc. In the evening the Linwood brass band appeared on the scene and delighted the large assemblage with several choice selections. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-02-12
Beggs, Sarah Edith/
Kerr, Arthur Robinson |
The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Beggs of the Town Line west of Linwood was the scene of a very pretty wedding last Wednesday, when their daughter, Edith, was married to Mr. Arthur Kerr, of Fernbank[?]. There were about two-hundred present to witness the event and enjoy this ideal June wedding. The Maple Leaf wishes the young couple every success and happiness In their new life. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-06-07
Bell, Margaret/
Wegenast, Franklin W. |
The following, from the Amherstburg Echo, refers to Mr. F. W. Wegenast, who spent this summer the guest of his sister, Mrs. Henry Forler, of Wellesley. The happy couple spent part of their wedding trip in this village :
“The resilience of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bell was the scene of a very pretty home wedding, Wednesday afternoon, when their daughter, Margaret, was led to the alter by Franklin W. Wegenast, of Simcoe. The house was beautifully decorated for the occasion with ivy and bouquets of various kinds, and the ceremony took place in the presence of only near relatives, at 4 p. in. sharp. The beautiful service was conducted by Rev. Mr. Downey, of Watford, who also united Mr. and Mrs. Bell in wedlock when he was a resident of Colchester some years ago. He was assisted by Rev. T. F. Whealan, rector of white church. Miss Nina Gauthier, of Detroit, was bridesmaid, while A. B. Herring supported the groom. After congratulations to the happy couple, luncheon was served and they took the train at Harrow on the same evening for a wedding tour to Cleveland, Buffalo and eastern cities. They will make their home in Simcoe. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-09-05 |
Benedict, Kate/
Koehler, William |
On Wednesday evening a happy gathering took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler. All were anxiously waiting for William, who was happily married to Miss Benedict, of Woodstock. The happy couple will leave for Woodstock on Friday where Mr. Koehler will again take his old position In the Bain Wagon factory. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1905-02-23 |
Boomer, Margaret A./
Rutherford, James C. |
Invitations are out announcing the marriage of Miss M. A. Boomer, of Berlin, to Mr. J. C. Rutherford, of Toronto, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Boomer, Linwood, Aug. 6th, at 12 o’clock noon. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-08-07
Boshard, Leah/
Jantzi, Joel |
Mr. Joel Jantzi, of the 3rd line, and Miss Berlet, [sic] of Philipsburg, were united in marriage at the Mennonite church on the 3rd line last Sunday. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-09-22
Boshart, Kate/
Bast, Moser |
As we write a sumptuous entertainment is being enjoyed by a large number of friends of Mr. Jacob Boshart at his home west of the village. The felicitous event is the marriage of his third daughter, Miss Kate, which occurs on Tuesday, Dec. 2nd. We offer congratulations to the happy couple. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-12-04
Bricker, Hannah/ McCulloch, James
The wedding of Mr. Jas McCulloch of Okotoks, Alberta, to Miss Hannah Bricker of Linwood, will take place on Wednesday, Jan. 24. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-01-25
A pretty wedding took place last Wednesday at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Bricker, when their daughter Hannah was united In marriage to Mr. James McCulloch, of Okotoks, Mr. Edgar officiating. The bride was gowned in crepe de chene and carried a boquet [sic] of carnations. The bridesmaid was Miss Melissa Bricker, while the grooms [sic] brother, Mr. McCulloch, of Calgary, was best man. We extend our congratulations and they will carry our good wishes with them to their home in Okotoks, Alberta. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1906-02-01 |
Brill, Eliza/
Foson, Henry |
The marriage of Miss Eliza Brill, of this village, to Mr. John Henry Foson, of Lewiston. Ont., occurred at the New Jerusalem Temple, Berlin, on Sept. 9th, Rev. Mr. Taylor officiating. After the ceremony the party returned to the home of the bride’s father here, where the wedding dinner was partaken of, and the bride and groom started on a short wedding trip. They expect to remove shortly to Springfield, Ont., where Mr. Foson is at present employed. The best wishes of all are extended to the happy couple. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1903-09-24
Brubaker, Susannah/
Frey, Levi |
Wedding Bells.—Our popular young blacksmith. Mr. Levi Frey was married to Miss Susannah Brubaker, of St. Jacobs, on Sunday, Nov. 13 at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brubaker, recently of Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Frey will take possession of their new home this week. Congratulations. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-11-17
Brunk, Sarah/
Bast, Peter |
The marriage of Mr. Peter Bast, of Wilmot, about two miles from here, and Miss Brunk, occurred at Poole, on Tuesday. About thirty families were invited to witness the interesting event, some of them being from this village. The happy couple will reside on the farm of the groom's mother. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1900-11-08
Bast - Brunk.—At the Mennonite Church, Poole, on Tuesday, Nov. 6th, by Rev. Nicholas Nafziger, Mr. Peter Bast, of Wilmot, and Miss Sarah Brunk, of Musselburg. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1900-11-15 |
Buccheit, Helena /
Haffner, William |
The marriage of Mr. Wm. Haffner and Miss Lena Buchheit occurred at St. Agatha on Tuesday. There were about forty invited guests. The bride and groom are well known here where they have many well wishers. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1900-11-01