Marriage and Wedding Notices from the Wellesley Maple Leaf - A
(in order by the bride's name)
Ahrens, Sadie Alberta/
Schweitzer, Aaron |
A very pretty September wedding was solemnized on Wednesday the 18th inst., at Hillside cottage, the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Ahrens, where their daughter, Sadie Alberta, was married to Mr. Aaron Schweitzer, of Berlin. A little after two o’clock the Bridal party entered the drawing room to the strains of the wedding march rendered by Miss Lottie [?] Urbach. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. G. D. Damm, of Berlin, assisted by Rev. W. W. Usher, of Linwood, under a bell in the bay window which was decorated with ever greens. The charming young bride was given away by her father and was unattended, she was prettily gowned in cream silk eolienn[?], a long veil and carried a boquet [sic] of flowers. Two little girls, relatives of the grooms, dressed in pink silk acted as flower girls and ribbon bearer. After the service Miss Jean McAllister, sung a beautiful solo. The congratulations being offered, the guests, numbering one hundred partook of a dainty luncheon, which was served on the lawn. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl crescent. The happy couple left on the evening train, amid showers of rice and good wishes, for a trip to Southampton, Owen Sound and other places. The bride wore a travelling suit of grey with, pale blue silk blouse and hat to match. The presents which were numerous and costly show the esteem in which the bride and groom are held. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1907-09-26 |
Albrecht, Mary/
Lies, Joseph |
THIRD LINE. A very pretty wedding took place last Thursday when Mr. Joseph Lies led to the altar Miss Albrecht, of East Zorra. The ceremony was performed in the Mennonite church by Bishop Lichty. The wedding, party then drove to the home of the groom’s parents where a jolly good time was spent. Wellesley Maple Leaf,
1903-01-22 |
Alteman, Bertha/
Faulhafer, William C. |
The marriage of Miss Bertha, daughter of Mr. H. Alteman, to Mr. Wm. Faulhafer, occurred at the home of the bride’s parents in this village yesterday (Wednesday) afternoon at five o’clock. Rev. Mr. Holm officiating. Both the bride and groom are popular young people of the village and they have the best wishes of all for a happy future. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1904-04-28
Arnold, Ellen/
Lennox, Robert |
Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Ellen Arnold to Mr. Robert Lennox. The wedding will take place at Mr. Alex. Miller’s, Apple Grove Farm. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-01-30 “Apple Grove Farm,” Wellesley township, the home of Mr. Alex. Miller, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday last, when Miss Ellen Arnold became the bride of Mr. Robert Lennox. The ceremony was informed at high noon by the Rev. T. L. Armstrong, rector of Grace church, Millbank, in the presence of some thirty invited guests. The bride, who was given away by Mr. Miller, looked charming in a gown of blue lady’s cloth trimmed with white satin and applique. She was attended by Miss Florence Wren, who looked very pretty in her becoming costume of blue box cloth trimmed with white silk and applique. The groom was assisted by his brother, Andrew. The wedding party proceeded to the parlor to the strains of “Wedding Bells,” played by Mrs. R. J. Tanner, of Newton. After extending congratulations and good wishes to the young couple, the company was ushered into the dining room, where a sumptuous wedding dinner was served. The decorations were red and white. The happy couple left, amid showers of rice, on the afternoon train for Stratford and points east. The bride was the recipient of many costly and useful presents, among them being a beautiful sideboard from Mr. Alex. Miller. The afternoon and evening were spent in social intercourse, music and dancing. Mr. and Mrs. Lennox will reside near Baden. Their many friends wish them a long, prosperous and happy career. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1902-02-13 |
Arnold, Mary Ann/
Selle, Joseph |
Mr. and Mrs. John Mayer attended the marriage of their niece, Miss Mary Ann, daughter of L. Arnold, S. Easthope to Mr. Jos. Selle, Detroit, on Tuesday of last week. The interesting and pretty wedding occurred at the home of the bride’s parents. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-09-19
Atkins, Isabella/
Denyer, Edward |
A quiet wedding took place at the Manse, Stratford, on Wednesday, April 17th, when the Rev. Leitch united Miss Bella, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Atkin [sic] to Mr. Edward Denyer, all of Mornington. Wellesley Maple Leaf, 1901-05-02